I've had my dress for over a year. For the first couple months, I was trying it on all the time. I had to put try-on restrictions on my dress - I limited how I often I would wear it to once a month. Slowly but surely, I started collecting accessories - first the jewelry, then the headpiece, and then the veil. (By the way, I never expected to want a veil, but I am so looking forward to wearing mine! Besides, how many times in your life do you get to wear one and have it be absolutely 100% acceptable for a fancy occasion? The answer is only once on your wedding day, so I am taking full advantage!). Each time a new accessory was acquired, I convinced myself I needed to try on the entire ensemble. Months ago, I tried on my dress and didn't feel particularly good in it because I had been at a street fair all day, and didn't have any make up on. Not feeling pretty sort of took the fun out of having such a special dress, so I haven't tried it on since....until last night.
I couldn't help it. I was home alone, and I glanced at my dress hanging on my closet door. I threw my will power to the wind and approached that big ol' bag. I reached up and pulled the zipper down.
"Hello, dress. It's been awhile."
I took it out and immediately swooned over it...it had been almost 6 months! I put on my jewelry, headpiece, and veil, and then pulled on my dress. Oh, that dress. Do all girls love their dress like I love mine? I'm not giving any details about it, you'll have to wait and see, but it is the perfect dress for me, and I was in love. I didn't want to take it off.
As I was checking out the back of my dress, my darling cat entered my room. Now, this cat, he loves it when you're putting fresh sheets on the bed, and takes it as a opportunity to play. Apparently, my wedding dress is no different than bedsheets, and he just wandered all over the train. I started to panic. I was home alone, in a very expensive, very special dress, and my cantankerous cat was not about to get off because it simply was too much fun. I started yelling, he started batting at the phantom bugs he was seeing. After plenty of scolding and minutes of panicky agony for me, he gave me sideways glance and left the room.
Thank god. It was time to take it off, the fun was over.
I wouldn't be surprised if I need to have my dress cleaned before the wedding, rather than after since I've put it on so many times. It already needs little fixer-uppers from all the try on sessions...the poor dress has battle wounds and we haven't even gone to war (i.e., klutzy me and the dress vs. the world on the wedding day).
I'll look on the bright side and be amused. I'm getting lots of use, and lots of enjoyment out of it. It's a sign that this dress is really loved by it's owner....right??